ACPPA Partners with Higgins for Principal Leadership Fund
ACPPA is proud to have partnered with Higgins Coatings as the sponsor of the Principal Leadership Fund. By sponsoring the inaugural Principals Leadership Fund, Higgins supports ACPPA in providing principals with the resources and training they need to effectively lead and foster positive educational environments for students. The ACPPA will make the Principal Leadership Fund available each year and applicants are evaluated based on specific criteria. This year, 11 applications from around Australia were received, requesting financial support to attend conferences, support further study, provide coaching, and attend overseas study tours.
For further information...
Higgins Partners with ACPPA
ACPPA Principal Leadership Fund Recipients 2024
PHOTO: ACPPA EO Gez Mulvahil, Higgins Representative, Nicole Carbone and ACPPA President Peter Cutrona